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The Otakara Game Walkthrough

The Otakara Game

The Otakara Escape is another Japanese point and click escape the the room game. You have to search everywhere to find and collect items or clues in order to escape from the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Language barrier...and the navigation sucks.

Found a tree and something like a vase, a knife and a paper with a hint. Stuck.

hi Shaheen

found a blue key on the right side of the bookshelf

got into the bedroom with it

anybody there for helping...?

hi siarrah.. this game is frustrating me, im not on it

I'll leave. this is boring me -___-

really ..really ...bad ....

To navigate - after clicking on an item and seeing it close up, click outside the box to back away.
All items collected can be seen by clicking on the script below the character's picture.
I've found three keys, gotten to the kitchen, the bedroom, and the bathroom, found a knife, a vase, matches, two papers that together, give clue to the code above the bed. There's numbers in a book on the book shelf - not sure how to decipher those. I've found four red buttons to push, but the green one in the bedroom resets them all. The green puff on a stick is used with matches to light a fire in the stove. Also found a screw driver, but can't figure out where to use it or the vase. Language may be the issue - otherwise, the game is pretty good. Anyone out there available to help?

Also found a paper with various pictures on it (house, snowman, lightning, star, sun, cloud ...)but not sure how to use it.

Oh - also, when you look at the inventory, click on the writing in each box and the item will show up in a box. Click the blue square to use the item. The item will then be where the guy's head is. (For example, if a key is in inventory, click on the blue box, the key replaces the guy's head.) Then click where you want to use the item (with the key showing, click on a lock to unlock it). The item then fades in your inventory.

Iris, I'm way behind you. I haven't found any keys. I have a tree, a glass/tumbler, knife, two pieces of paper.

The top book with the numbers could be a diary as the numbers are dates.
年 year.
月 month
日 day

These are the dates in DD/MM/YYYY format:


2nd shelf down, 2nd book from the right can also be read. But I can't really make anything of the text.

And POP, just found a blue key and in the bedroom.

Glad to see someone else trying this game! Even though we have the dates - I don't know what to do with them. I'm stuck right now but getting ready to try again.

Otakara Escape Walkthrough:

1. click on light blue book on the top level of bookshelf and you will get a memo 1
2. click next to the bottom right corner of bookshelf, you will find a dark blue key
3. click on the chair, you will find a button and a light green key inside the top left leg of the chair
4. press the button
5. use the light green key to open the floor in the kitchen, get the perfume bottle from the floor
6. open the top shelf in the kitchen and get a knife
7. open the drawer underneath the sink and get a cup
8. use the dark blue key to open the bedroom door
9. use the knife to cut over the cushion and you will get a green key
10. use the green key to open the bathroom door
11. get an orange key near carpet
12. fill water into the perfume bottle and get a purple key
13. fill water into the cup
14. use the purple key to open the 3rd drawer in the bedroom and get a candle
15. open the 2nd drawer to get a yellow key
16. get the memo 2 near the bed
17. use cup with water on picture on the wall, words will shown up and ask you to go to the dark basement
18. click on the light and need to enter password – password is refer to the memo 1 and the note which leads you to a number 3186
19. go back to kitchen and use the orange key to open the drawer and you will get a screwdriver
20. use the yellow key to open the drawer and get matches
21. open the shelf above the sink and get a wood
22. put the wood underneath the stove in bottom left corner and light it with a match
23. use the screwdriver to unlock the basement
24. go back to bedroom and put the candle on to the lamp (on the top of the drawer) and light it with match
25. get down to the basement and get a red key
26. take the pipe in pillar in order as mentioned in the bookshelf
red – blue – yellow – green – red
27. leave and use the red key to open the remaining drawer in kitchen
28. take the red pipe to break the glass in bathroom
29. open the drawer in orders according to the diary (by date of incidents) and the orders should be :
rain - thunder - moon - house - snow - mountain - star – sun
you will find another button
30. you have to push all the button in order according to the message shown on each button
The order will be :
light → pan → chair → picture frame → basement → glass → drawer in kitchen
31. go to bathroom and flush the toilet and you will find the money
32. go to basement and find a pink key
33. go to bedroom and use the key under the picture
34. End of game

Thanks for the walkthrough!!

Wow - tough game, but fun. Thanks again!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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